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Religious Education

RE is taught through the 'Discovery RE' scheme of work, which is adapted to ensure that it supports the context of our school. This scheme draws from the most recent practice and educational thinking. It provides opportunities for all pupils to explore questions, experiences and concepts related to what it means to be human, whilst at the same time developing a good knowledge and understanding of the principal faiths in Britain.  

Using 'Discovery RE', Religious Education is taught via a 4-step enquiry approach:

  • Engagement
  • Investigation
  • Evaluation
  • Expression

Each unit begins with a 'key question' which ensures that children use their subject knowledge and apply it when answering the enquiry question. This serves to develop critical thinking skills, and focuses on personal reflection into the child’s own thoughts and feelings, on growing subject knowledge and nurturing spiritual development. 




Stanley Hall Road
OX12 0GR


01235 933303
