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Attendance and Absence


Our school day starts at 8.40 and finishes at 3.20 each day (8.30-3.30 for nursery).

If your child is absent from school, please contact the school office by 9.00am.

Returning to School

If your child’s illness involved vomiting or diarrhoea, they should not return to school until 48 hours after their last bout of sickness or diarrhoea. For other illnesses which may be contagious, please contact the school office to check the latest guidance on when it is safe for them to return.


Non-urgent appointments for the doctor, dentist or opticians should be made outside of school hours. If you need to take your child out of school during the day, or need to collect them early for any reason, please contact the school office.


Children must attend on time. If your child arrives after 8.50am they will be registered with an unauthorised absence mark.

Late arrivals sign in at the school office before joining their class for the rest of the day.

We monitor punctuality on a daily basis. If a child is late more than three times in a week, or any pattern is emerging, then parents will be contacted, and a meeting will be held.


Stanley Hall Road
OX12 0GR


01235 933303
